By :- sumit kr. As we know that there is a big and important place of questions related to general knowledge in competition exams. So this post is also about to one of these topics our today's topic is dams of India. •what is Dam? A wall build across a river to hold back the water and form lake behind it known as Dam. •what is the main aim behind building a dam? Dams are built for more than one purpose like:-. •Fishing •to generate hydroelectricity •water supply for irrigation •flood control •fulfill the need of water for drinking. •providing open water for navigation e.t.c...... some disadvantages of dam. •it have a harmful effect on marine life. •It resul...
Hello frieeeeeeennnnddss, once again I welcome you to full educational where you get knowledge and we get your love and care. Today we are going to discuss about one of the most important part of human body that is our organ system. organ system is the group of organs which together perform some specific functions. In human body organ system are eleven (11) in number. Which are following:--- 1. Digestive System . 2. Respiratory System. 3. Skeletal System. 4. Urinary system/Renal System. 5. Nervous System. 6. Lymphatic System / Immune system. 7. Muscular system. 8. Integumentary system/ Exocrine system. 9. Endocrine system. 10. Reproductive system. 11. Cardiovascular System. Let us learn more about these one by one:------ 1. Digestive System:- This system is responsible for intake and outoff of food as well as maintains the nutrition of body by digesting and absorbing it . There are 11 organs present in this...
सं नाम स्थान निर्माता 1 इंडिया गेट दिल्ली एडविन लुटियंस 2 क़ुतुब मीनार दिल्ली कुतुबुद्दीन ऐबक (1193) 3 हिमायू का मकबरा दिल्ली हमीदा बानो बेगम (1526) 4 लाल किला दिल्ली शाहजहां (1638) 5. सफदरजंग का मकबरा दिल्ली शुजा उड दौला (1753) 6. जामा मस्जिद दिल्ली शाहजहां (1656) 7 अलाई दरवाजा दिल्ली अलाउद्दीन खिलजी (1311) 8. पुराना किला दिल्ली शेरशाह सूरी 9 तुगलकाबाद का किला दिल्ली ज्ञासुद्दीन तुगलक (1327) १०. संसद भवन दिल्ली एडविन लुटियंस (1927) ११. जंतर मंतर दिल्ली महाराजा जयसिंह (1927) १२. आगरा का किला आगरा अकबर(1574) १३. फतेहपुर सिकरी आगरा के नजदीक अकबर (1574) १४. ताजमहल आगरा शाहजहां (1649) १५ बीवी का मकबरा औरंगाबाद (महाराष्ट्र) आजमशाह १६. सांची स्तूप मध्य प्रदेश अशोका १७. हवा महल जयपुर सवाई जयसिंह १८. आंबे का किला जयपुर सवाई जयसिंह १९. जूनागढ़ का किला जूनागढ...
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