
भारत की मशहूर ऐतिहासिक इमारतें उनके स्थान व निर्माता। Some famous Indian monuments your location and architect.

 सं नाम स्थान निर्माता  1 इंडिया गेट  दिल्ली एडविन लुटियंस  2 क़ुतुब मीनार दिल्ली कुतुबुद्दीन ऐबक (1193) 3 हिमायू का मकबरा दिल्ली हमीदा बानो बेगम (1526) 4 लाल किला दिल्ली शाहजहां (1638) 5. सफदरजंग का मकबरा दिल्ली शुजा उड दौला (1753) 6. जामा मस्जिद दिल्ली शाहजहां (1656) 7 अलाई दरवाजा दिल्ली अलाउद्दीन खिलजी (1311) 8. पुराना किला दिल्ली शेरशाह सूरी 9 तुगलकाबाद का किला दिल्ली ज्ञासुद्दीन तुगलक (1327) १०. संसद भवन दिल्ली एडविन लुटियंस (1927)  ११. जंतर मंतर दिल्ली महाराजा जयसिंह (1927) १२. आगरा का किला आगरा अकबर(1574) १३. फतेहपुर सिकरी आगरा के नजदीक अकबर (1574) १४. ताजमहल आगरा शाहजहां (1649) १५ बीवी का मकबरा औरंगाबाद (महाराष्ट्र) आजमशाह १६. सांची स्तूप मध्य प्रदेश अशोका  १७.  हवा महल जयपुर सवाई जयसिंह  १८. आंबे का किला जयपुर सवाई जयसिंह  १९. जूनागढ़ का किला जूनागढ़ सवाई जयसिंह २०. विजय स्तंभ चित्तौ

भारतीय महापुरुषों एवं कुछ जाने-माने लोगों के उपनाम।

लोकप्रिय उपनाम वास्तविक नाम युग-पुरुष/राष्ट्रपिता/बापू महात्मा गाँधी बिहार केसरी डा. श्री कृष्ण सिंह शांति पुरुष लाल बहादुर शास्त्री लौह पुरुष सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल बादशाह खान/ सीमांत गाँधी खान अब्दुल गफ्फार खां नेताजी सुभाष चन्द्र बोस अजात शत्रु डा. राजेन्द्र प्रसाद महामना मदन मोहन मालवीय गुरु देव रवीन्द्र नाथ टैगोर राजर्षि पुरुषोत्तम दास टंडन गुरुजी एम. एस. गोलवलकर जननायक कर्पूरी ठाकुर लोक नायक/   जे पी जय प्रकाश नारायण दीन बन्धु सी. एफ. एनड्रयूज देश बन्धु चित्तरंजनदास पंजाब केसरी लाला लाजपतराय देश रत्न डा राजेन्द्र प्रसाद आंध्र केसरी टी. प्रकाश वयोवृद्ध पुरुष दादा भाई नौरोजी शेरे कश्मीर शेख अब्दुल्लाह बंग बन्धु शेख मुजीबुर्रहमान बंगाल केसरी आशुतोष मुखर्जी बिहार गाँधी डा राजेन्द्र प्रसाद लोक मान्य बाल गंगाधर तिलक जे. पी. जय प्रकाश नारायण माता बसंत एनी बेसेंट भारतीय राजनीति के भीष्मपितामह दादा भाई नौरोजी स्वर कोकिला लता मंगेशकर बिहार विभूति डा.अनुग्रह नारायण सिंह बाबूजी जगजीवन राम फ्यूहरर हिटलर महात्मा गाँधी के पांचवे पुत्र जमना लाल बजाज स्पैरो मेजर

if an angle is 30° more than one half of its complement,find the measure of the angle

Let us assume that the angle is   x. Then,its complement will be 90-x. 30 degree more than one half of its complement, i.e 30+(90-x)/2 According to the sum, x=30+(90-x)/2 x=60+90-x/2 x=150-x/2 2x=150-x 3x=150 x=50 . Hence the angle is   50.

Two circular cylinders of equal volumes have their heights in ratio 1 is to 2 find the ratio of their radii.

Let the radio be r1 and r2. Let the height of 1st cylinder=h Let the height of 2nd cylinder=2h.

Solution of 1st exercise chapter surface area and volume of class 9 NCERT book

Q.1. A piastic box 1.5 m long. 1.25 m wide and 65 cm deep is to be made. It is to be open at the top. Ignoring the thickness of the plastic sheet, determine : i) The area of the sheet required for making the box. (ii)The cost of sheet for it, if a sheet measuring 1 m cost Rs 20. Sol.  Here, length - 1.5 m, Breadth- 1.25 m, Height - 65 cm - 0.65 m. Since the box is open at the top, it has only five faces. (i) So, surface area of the box - Ib + 2(bh + hl) 1.5 x 1.25 m? + 2 (1.25 x 0.65 + 0.65 x 1.5) m^2 = 1.875 + 2 (1.7875) m^2 = (1.875 + 3.575) m2 - 5.45 m^2 Hence, 5.45 m^2of sheet is required Ans. (ii) Cost of 1 m^2of the sheet = Rs 20 . cost of 5.15 m^2 of the sheet = Rs 20 x 5.15 m^2 = Rs 109 Ans. Q.2. The length, hreadth and height of a room are 5 m,3 m and 3m. respectively. Find the cost of white washing the walls of the room and the ceiling at the rate of Rs 37.50 per m^2. Sol. Here, l = 5 m, b = 4 m, h = 3 m Surface area of the walls of the room and the ceilling

Top 5 questions related to Ratio for class 8.

1.If the ratio of chocolates to ice-cream cones in a box is 5:8 and the number of chocolates is 30, find the number of ice-cream cones. Solution : Let the number of chocolates be 5x and the number of ice-cream cones be 8x. 5x = 30  → x = 6. Therefore, number of ice-cream cones in the box = 8*6 = 48. 2.Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 4. If the sum of numbers is 63, find the numbers. Solution: Sum of the terms of the ratio = 3 + 4 = 7 Sum of numbers = 63 Therefore, first number = 3/7 × 63 = 27 Second number = 4/7 × 63 = 36 Therefore, the two numbers are 27 and 36. 3.  If x : y = 1 : 2, find the value of (2x + 3y) : (x + 4y) Solution: x : y = 1 : 2 means x/y = 1/2 Now, (2x + 3y) : (x + 4y) = (2x + 3y)/(x + 4y)  [Divide numerator and denominator by y.] = [(2x + 3y)/y]/[(x + 4y)/2] = [2(x/y) + 3]/[(x/y) + 4], put x/y = 1/2 We get = [2 (1/2) + 3)/(1/2 + 4) = (1 + 3)/[(1 + 8)/2] = 4/(9/2) = 4/1 × 2/9 = 8/9 Therefore the value of (2x + 3y) : (x + 4y) = 8 :9. 4.  A bag contains $510 in the for

Question from IT foundation. A, B, and C can do a work in 20, 45, and 120 days,respectively. They started the work. A left 10 daysbefore and B left 5 days before the completion ofwork. In how many days is the total work completed?

If N is the total time taken, it means that A worked for (N -10) days, B for (N - 5) days and C for N days. Hence (N - 10) * 1/20 + ( N - 5)*1/45 + N/120 = 1 (N - 10) * 18 + ( N -5)* 8 + 3 N = 360 18 N - 180 + 8N - 40 + 3 N = 360 29N = 580 N = 20

Question from IT foundation. A can do a work in 20 days and B can do in 30 days. both of them start the work together and work for sometime then B leaves if A complete the remaining work in 10 days. find number of days which they worked together?

Work done by A in 1 days=1/20 Work done by A in 10 days=1/20×10                                                 =1/2 Total work done by A and B together=1-1/2=1/2 Work done by A and B together in 1  day=1/20+1/30              =1/12 Time taken by A and B together to do 1/2 part of work=1/2÷1/12                              =1/2×12/1                               =6 Number of days for which they work together is equal to 6

The marked price of an article is ₹3500 and rate of GST is 12 percent. A shopkeeper allows a discount of 20 percent and still makes a profit of 10 percent. Find the original cost price of the article and the selling price including GST.

Answer Marked price = rs. 3500 GST % =12 % so, SP = 3500 + 12% of 3500 or, SP = 3500 + 0.12 ×3500 = rs. 3920 After discount the new SP   = 3920 - 20% of 3920 = 3920 - 0.20×3920 = rs. 3136 (1)                                               profit% = 10 % ; SP = rs. 3136   Let CP = X so, SP = CP + 10% of CP   or, 3136 = X + 0.10 X or, 3136 = 1.10 X or, X = 3136/1.10   original CP = 2850.909.                            { you can also  use a formula, Cp=(SP*100) / 100+profit%}

. Find area of an equilateral triangle of side 8cm.

Ans. Area of an equilateral triangle=√3/4*a^2.    =√3/4*8*8    =16√3cm^2.       (note:-^=power and*=multiple)